About YSEC
The broad theme of the YSEC series revolves around the constitutional frameworks for economic activities and their interaction with the social sphere. It is this very interaction this Yearbook strives to focus on. At the same time, it is this focus which distinguishes it from other formats in the field. The reference to “constitutions” mirrors the Yearbook’s ambition to contribute to a better understanding of those legal rules which provide the very foundations for our economic and social well-being within a community governed by a constitution, irrespective of whether on the local, national, reginal, or global level. The Yearbook aims to, first and foremost, provide a forum for a doctrinal legal treatment of the questions that various socio-economic constitutions are faced with in today’s globalized con-text, while at the same time remains open to neighbouring disciplines to the extent that they inform the doctrinal treatment.

Why Publishing Your Work in YSEC?
The Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions (YSEC) offers an original perspective on law by focusing on the fundamental rules governing our economic and social lives (i.e. the socio-economic constitutions) at the local, national, and international levels.
Our mission is to combine the solidity and rigor of a classical yearbook with the excitement of a respected journal, keeping a rigorous focus on doctrinal legal treatment of issues that socio-economic constitutions are facing in today’s globalized context, while at the same time remaining open to neighbouring disciplines to the extent that these inform the analysis. Each volume contains a carefully curated selection of high-quality writings covering a current theme and its socio-economic constitutional dimensions. Thus, each contribution to a YSEC volume constitutes a unique singular addition to the research topic as well as a vital part of a comprehensive volume in a topical research field.
Further, the YSEC provides authors with a clear, reliable, and transparent production. We work closely with each of the authors throughout the production phases in order to secure that the production timeline is respected while the highest academic standards are maintained. Our cooperation with Springer gives us the possibility to grant our authors’ contributions the publicity they deserve. As soon as the contributions are finalized, e-publication is available via the Springer website, which means that our authors do not need to wait for the published volume to disseminate their work.
Once complete, each volume of YSEC is presented and promoted energetically by the Editorial team and Springer. All finalized chapters are made available directly online by Springer and they are also reachable via the YSEC website. The high-quality printed volume is presented at an annual special book launch arranged by us, and broadcast on various traditional and social media channels.
YSEC is listed at the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.

Series Editors

Editorial Board

Editorial Advisory Board

For any general inquiries or questions regarding YSEC, please contact the series editors via the form below. For questions relating submissions please refer to the Submission Page. Thank you.